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Monday 28 July 2014

Head like a beehive

Does anyone else get it? Too many ideas at once? I feel like I'm getting stuck waist deep in a bog of thought. So many stories, scripts, artwork to be finished, songs and lyrics to be written. I find it so hard to concentrate on one thing at a time, to sit down and really use all my brain for one idea. And, to be honest I don't know if I could, sometimes I feel like maybe I do function best flitting between things keeping my mind guessing with fresh ideas. This does however mean that I don't have to time to really think deeply over plot or content when it comes to stories and lyrics, which can be a problem. Though, when it comes to stories and scripts I find my mind does stew nicely over things while walking and while listening to music, helping scenes and events evolve naturally in my head. I hope that eventually my ideas will come to fruitation and that I will be able to tell my stories in different manners or mediums.

Anyone else get like this? Message me about it! Who knows maybe we could work some ideas!


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